The First-Time Manager

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Learn to conquer every challenge like a pro with clear, candid advice in The First-Time Manager. For nearly four decades, this trusted guide has brought newcomers up to speed on the nitty-gritty realities of managing people. The updated seventh edition delivers new information that helps you manage across generations, use online performance appraisal tools, persuade with stories, oversee remote employees, build a team dynamic, match a boss’ style, and more. The jump from star employee to a new manager is bigger than most people realize - with opportunities to fail at every step. Stumbling your way through isn’t an option. In The First-Time Manager, you will learn skills including: leading meetings, hiring employees, motivating others, actively listening, staying calm under pressure, overcoming resistance and much more. With little experience or training, a coveted promotion can become a trial by fire. No one needs that. Turn to the book that thousands have relied on to hit the ground running.

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